The Balkoth Tribe.


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Recent History

In an area low in natural resources wise stewardship is especially important to ensure the survival of the inhabitants. For generations the rulers of the Balkoth Tribe have enjoyed a special blessing from Harst the Reeve, ensuring a better than expected food supply. However the creeping influence of the Lunars, and the placing of Angtyr on the throne in 1613 has broken this relationship, and deprived the Balkoth of the special benefits they enjoyed.

In addition the tribe's stake in Pimper's Block provided valuable income, through the thrall-holding Daldari clan. One of Angtyr's first acts was to give guardianship to the Etyries cult. Wandering traders ensured that more wealth came home, as did the Balkoth stake in the markets of Swenstown. However reduced travel, Lunar imposts and changes in Swenstown are all bad news.

So are the Lunar policies with regard to the tribe's livestock.

They took the best horses as a tax to support their operations among the Enstalos. This is not that unusual a practice. The Lunars took the best cattle to feed the pleasure city that Swenstown is becoming under its current ruler. Neither is that particularly unusual.

When Orlkarl Falsestorm was elected, and tried to take a stand against the Lunars and defend his people, they took all the sheep they could and slaughtered all the rest wherever they found them. And once again such practices are not unusual.

But what the Lunars did next was different. Whether it was planned, or a rare combination of circumstances is hard to say. But they then "generously" provided thousands of goats to ensure that the people would not starve. Installing Angtyr as tribal king, and gifting him with an ornate silver horn, blessed of Gerendetho, the Lunar priests embarked on a great experiment. It worked beyond their wildest dreams. In the poor conditions of the Yellow Hills, bereft of traditional blessings and hindered by Lunar banes the remaining livestock grew so sick that even Vorela's folk could not completely heal them. On the other hand, blessed by Gerendetho the goats across the land then out-competed the remaining livestock.

Within 2 years goats were the established herd-beasts among the Balkoth. They may not love them, but they have learned to live with the taste, and the smell. If they are honest, many a farmer shows a grudging respect for their hardiness and the quality of the meat, milk, leather and wool. Although it is rumoured that there still remain isolated holdings with horses, cattle and sheep nothing short of a heroquest will defeat the hold of the goats at a clan or tribal level.

Few Orlanthi from beyond the tribe will accept the meat, milk or cheese of the goats, even fewer will wear clothes spun from goat hair, and the traders have suffered. More have converted to follow Etyries, following the promptings of the Seven Mothers Missionaries, but they are resented and seem to bring poor returns in to the tribe. The Lunars speak of the possibilities of a thriving trade of goats-wool clothes with the Heartlands, but few seriously believe it.